Global Retreat

Iceland Global Retreat

Oct 12


Oct 16, 2023

Iceland Global Retreat

Sold out!


What we have in planning

Adventure across some of the most stunning sceneries on the planet Snorkel in the only place in the world where you can swim between two continents Dedicated moments to focus on introspective personal development An opportunity to reset your mental and physical health A visit to the world-famous Blue Lagoon The EYES Forum Interesting culinary experiences And of course… the Northern Lights! :)

Why Iceland?
What we have in planning

Why Iceland?

Iceland is an opportunity to ‘free your mind, go back to nature, and escape the hustle and noise of our daily lives. And who better to do it with than amazing fellow EYES members?

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Get your ticket now!

Ticket price

€ 1,299 


Please let us know if you're interested in this event and submit your preferences!

RSVP now!

Day 1

Most members will focus on arriving safely and finding each other, as well as exploring the city. Others would have arrived the day before. At the very least, we’ll have a great team dinner to set up the energy and mindset for the adventures to come

Day 2

A day of adventure. The Golden Circle is the most famous of all scenic routes in Iceland and combines stunning landmarks, including the famous Great Geysir, Gullfoss Waterfalls and Þingvellir Silfra Fissure (snorkeling between two tectonic plates).

Day 3

In a remote manor, you’ll find peace that only comes from being surrounded by remote and natural beauty. On this day, we focus on deep conversations, the EYES Forum, we share intimate and open firepit stories, and witness the northern lights!

Day 4

We pick up where we left off on our outdoor adventures - unforgettable ice caves in Katla and the mystical black beach.

Day 5






Things to consider before buying

Please consider the following before purchasing a ticket for this event:

  • Travel expenses from your home destination to the event location are not included.
  • Check your visa and passport requirements well in advance of this event.
  • Upon purchase you agree to the EYES Society Rules (incl. the Code of Conduct) and to sign the liability waiver which will be provided to you after confirmation.

Cancellation and refund policy

If you should have to cancel your registration, notification in writing should be sent to Please make sure you state the name of the event in the subject line of your email.

  • A full refund will be given for cancellations received 90 days or more prior to the event.
  • A refund of 80% will be given for cancellations received between 89 days prior to 61 days to the start of the event.
  • A refund of 40% will be given for cancellations received between 60 days prior to 31 days to the start of the event.
  • No refund will be issued for cancellations received within 30 days of the event, nor failure to attend.

Force majeure

EYES shall not be liable to refund of fees or for any other penalty should the event be cancelled due to war, fire, strike lock-out, industrial action, tempest, accident, civil disturbance or any other cause whatsoever beyond their control.